Five-Year Topical Index
Athens Historian Volume V (2000)
22nd Iowa Volunteers, Union Army 3:42
29th Marines 1:20
3rd Brigade of the 3rd Division, Georgia Militia 1:45
55th Pursuit Squadron 2:25
6th Marine Division 1:19, 20
6th Marine Division Cemetery, Okinawa, Japan 1:20
A County Where Plenty Should Abound: Race, Law, and Markets in Greene County, Georgia, 1850 –
1885, Bryant 5:22
A History of the South During Reconstruction, Coulter 3:10
A History of the South series 3:10
A Kiss in the Dark (operetta) 4:40
A Map of the Southern Indian District of North America 4:8
A Map of the Lands Ceded to His Majesty by the Creek and Cherokee 4:8
A Rebel Secret Weapon, Brockman 5:13
A Short History of Georgia, Coulter 3:9
A Story Untold: Black Men and Women in Athens History, Thurmond 3:38, 4:14, 5:37
Aaron, Carl J. 1:13
Aaron, Chester 1:12
Aberdeen, Mississippi 2:38
Academies in Clarke County 1:45
Accreditation of schools 4:30
Accrediting Commission of the University of Georgia 4:16
Adair, Chester P. 1:12
Adams, Mark S. 1:13
Adams, Warren M., Jr., sexton 2:36
Adrian, James 1:13
African-American burials 2:35
African-American churches in
Athens 3:22; 5:37-47
African-American education in
Athens 3:34; 4:14
African-American history 4:34
Agricultural fairs 4:25
Agricultural programs 4:29
Agriculture in Athens 2:4; 3:44
Aguadon Factory in Newton County 5:24
Alabama (Confederate raider) 3:5
Alabama 4:5; 5:10
Albany, Georgia 2:25, 30
Alexander, Joseph P. 1:13
Allen, Mr. 4:38
Allen, Walter R. 4:33
Allen, William G. 1:12, 13
Allenville School (black) 4:22
Allgood, Harry 1:12
Allied Victory over Japan 2:23
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority 5:50
Alpha Gamma Delta house 3:15
Alto, Georgia 1:4
American Air Corps 2:24
American Almanac 3:47, 48
American Association for the
Advancement of Science 3:49
American Historical Association 3:10
American Historical Review 3:8
American Legion 2:28
American Missionary Association 3:34; 4:17; 5:40
American Red Cross in Athens 1:6
American Revolution 2:39; 3:16; 4:3
American Rifleman 5:13
American Volunteer Group (AVG) 2:23, 25, 28
Americus, Georgia 2:30
Amnesty 5:19
Ancient Knights 5:4
Anderson, Gen. Robert 5:7
Andrews, James A., Jr. 1:13
Andrews, James C. 1:13
Anesthesia 2:38, 39
Annals of Athens, Hull 3:15, 17, 24; 5; 5:19, 27
Appalachee River 1:43
Archery Club 1:11
Arkansas 5:10
Arlington, Texas 2:27
Arnocroft, Milledge Avenue, Athens 5:51
Arnold, Eugenia 5:51
Arnoldsville, Georgia 2:37
Art in black schools 4:25
Artillery rifles 5:12
Athens, 1861-1865, Coleman 5:20
Athens Airport 4:51
Athens Automated Service Observing System (ASOS) facility 4:54
Athens Banner newspaper 5:12
Athens Banner-Herald & Daily News 5:12
Athens Banner-Herald newspaper 2:27; 4:31, 33
Athens Blade, the first black newspaper in Athens 4:18
Athens City Council 1:5
Athens City Directory 3:17
Athens City School System 4:22, 27
Athens Civil War Centennial Commission 5:12
Athens Clipper, black newspaper 4:16, 31
Athens Department of Recreation 1:6
Athens District 5:43
Athens Factory 5:11-18, 21, 23
Athens Female Academy 5:28
Athens Foundry 5:18
Athens, Georgia 5:11, 13-14, 27-28
Athens Georgian newspaper 4:37, 40
Athens High and Industrial School (A.H.I.S.) 4:17, 21, 30, 31
Athens High and Industrial School Yellow Jackets 4:21
Athens High School (girls’ school in 1840s) 5:28
Athens High School 2:25, 27
Athens High School football 1:17
Athens Historical Society (1899) 2:4, 17
Athens Junior League 5:51
Athens Magazine 4:35
Athens Manufacturing Company 2:35
Athens Manufacturing Company 5:13
Athens Memorial Park, Inc. 1:5
Athens Radio Club 1:10
Athens Recreation Department 1:8
Athens Recreational Park Department 1:5
Athens: The Study of a Georgia Town during Reconstruction, Gamble 5:26
Athens Weather Service Office4:49, 53
Athens Weather Stations 4:51
Athens-Clarke County Historic Preservation Commission 4:34
Atkinson, Fannie 5:26
Atlanta Baptist College 4:20
Atlanta Constitution newspaper 2:40; 4:39
Atlanta, Georgia 2:30, 4:27
Atlanta, Georgia 5:24
Atlanta Journal newspaper 1:6
Atlanta University 4:17, 20, 22, 25
Atlanta Weather Bureau office 4:50
Atlantic Ocean 3:46
Augusta Chronicle newspaper 3:45, 46, 48
Augusta, Georgia 3:30, 33, 41, 47, 51; 4:4; 5:11, 27
Augusta National Golf Course 5:50
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet, Wade 5:30
Austria 3:13
Autobiography, Johnston 5:30
Autobiography, LeConte 5:30
Aviation in Athens 3:44; 4:51
Ayer, Miss E.C. 4:15
Azores 3:46
B-29 Bomber, The City of Athens 1:6
Baber-Blackshear Collection 5:26
Bacon, John 4:11
Bailey, Richard B. 1:13
Bainbridge, Georgia 3:47
Baird, John, monument maker in
Philadelphia 2:40
Bajer, Brother 1:29
Baldwin, Abraham 2:4
Baldwin Theatre, San Francisco 4:38
Baltimore, Maryland 3:49
Bankston, Daniel 1:44, 47, 48
Banner Watchman newspaper 4:37, 41
Baptism 5:40-41
Baptist church 2:11; 5:38-41
Baptist Church
Barnard, Colonel Edward 4:12
Barnett, Cordelia 4:35
Barnett, Louis H. 4:34
Barnett, Luke 4:33, 34
Barnett, Roberta 4:33-35
Barnett, Tyrone 4:35
Barrett, Willie 4:45
Barrow, Chancellor David C. 4:20, 28
Barrow, Clara Elizabeth 5:9
Barrow, Col. David 3:31
Barrow, Cornelia Davenport 5:9
Barrow, Craig III 5:9
Barrow, David Crenshaw 5:4, 9
Barrow, Elizabeth Church 5:9
Barrow, James 2:39; 5:9
Barrow, Jennie Turner 5:9
Barrow, Judge James 5:9
Barrow, Lt. Middleton Pope 5:3-5, 8, 9
Barrow, Phyllis Jenkins 2:31; 4:33
Barrow, Pope 1:32, 34
Barrow, Sallie Craig 5:8-9
Barrow, Thomas Augustine 5:9
Barrow, Tom 5:4
Bartlett, Dr. Ezra 2:20
Bartram Trail Society of Georgia 4:9
Bartram, William 4:3, 4, 8, 9, 11
Bartram’s Buffalo Lick 4:3, 9-11, 13
Battle of Churubusco, Mexican War 5:5
Battle of Contreras, Mexican War 5:5
Battle of First Manassas, Civil War 5:3
Battle of Petersburg, Civil War 1:36
Battle of the Crater, Civil War 1:36
Baxter Street 4:19, 28
Baxter Street School 4:28
Beale, Howard K. 3:11
Bear cage at Memorial Park 1:10
Bear Hollow Wildlife Trail, Memorial Park 1:11
Beard, Walter E. 1:13
Beaten biscuits 1:17
Beech Haven 5:50
Belasco, David 4:38
Belcher, Leo B. 1:13
Bell’s Grocery Store 1:8
Ben Epps Airfield 2:30; 4:51
Bennett, Lerone 3:21, 34
Benson, Howard 1:8
Benson, W.H. 1:4, 5, 6
Bentley, Mayor Upshaw 3:38
Berckmans, Prosper J. 5:50
Bethel Baptist Church 5:43
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 5:3
Beusse, Fred 2:39
Big Spring near Watkinsville, Georgia 1:47
Billups Grove Baptist Church 4:22; 5:39, 43
Billups, John 2:39
Billups, Mrs. Ella 4:24
Billups, Sarah Jane 2:40
Bird’s Eye View of Athens, Georgia, 1909 3:17
Birth of a Nation (movie) 1:23
Birth of a Nation (film) 3:8
Bishop Cottage, Athens 5:50
Bishop, John, landscape gardener 2:6, 15
Bishop of Pennsylvania 2:19
Bisson, Bert G., Jr., sexton 2:36
Bisson, Bert G., sexton 2:36
Bisson, James H., sexton 2:36
Bisson, May Thaxton, sexton 2:36
Bisson, W.C. 1:13
Black churches in Athens 3:22; 5:37-47
Black education in Athens 3:34; 4:14
Black fire company 3:33
Black, Judge and Mrs. 1:26, 29
Black schools in Clarke County 4:22, 23
Black suffrage 3:35, 36
Blackfriars section of Athens 3:28
Blackshear, Marion 5:26
Bloomfield, R.L. 5:7
Blue Room at the White House 1:27
Bobbin mill 5:11, 18
Boggy Lick 4:9, 11
Bolzius, Johann Martin 3:44
Bonnell, Rev. John M. 5:38
Booger the Bear at Memorial Park 1:10
Botanical Garden, University of
Georgia 1:5, 2:4-19; 5:28, 49, 51
Boxing at the University of Georgia 2:28
Boxwood 5:49
Boykin, Rev. Samuel 2:4-17
Boykin, Samuel 2:4
Branon, Jack N. 1:13
Branson, E.C. 4:28
Braswell, John C. 1:13
Brattleborough, Vermont 2:38
Bray, J.A. 5:44
Breedlove, Edward G. 1:13
Brewer, Charles E. 1:13
Briggs, W.P. 4:50
Bright, Mrs. 1:31
Brittany 3:50
Broach, William B. 1:13
Broad River 4:4
Broad Street 2:6, 17, 21; 3:15; 4:37
Brockman, Charles J., Jr. 5:13
Brooklyn School (black) 4:22
Brown, Bedford 1:45
Brown, Bradford 4:33
Brown, Gov. Joe 5:19
Brown, Lake, former slave 3:29
Brown, Louisa, sister of Mrs. E.S. Lyndon 1:38
Brown, Major Oscar J. 2:39
Brown, Philadelphia Almeda Hampton 1:38
Brown, Professor Aaron 4:30
Brown, Professor J.H. Brown, principal, Union Baptist Institute 4:19
Brown, W.W. 3:20
Brown, Wes, black musician 3:34
Browne, Mr. 1:26, 30
Brunswick, Georgia 4:27
Brush Creek 1:43
Bryant, Jonathan M. 5:22
Bryant, Pat 4:10
Bryant, Walter L. 1:13
Bryant, William Cullen 5:33
Buchanan, President James 1:24-32
Buck’s Branch District 5:43
Bucksport, Maine 2:38
Buckstone, John 4:37
Buffalo Creek 4:7, 9-11
Buffalo in Georgia 4:5, 6
Buffalo Lick 4:4, 7, 10-12
Bugg, Edward H. 1:12
Bullock, Richard 1:13
Bunting, Emma, actress 1:22
Burgess, Addie S. 1:13
Burke, Tom 1:40, 41
Burkhalter, David 1:13
Burma 2:25
Burma Road 2:23-26, 32
Burney, Annie H. 4:31
Burney, Mrs. A.H. 4:30
Burney-Harris High School 4:31
Burson, Billy 1:13
Burton, Grandma Bossie 4:14
Burton’s Theatre 4:39
Bush, Clarence, former slave 3:29
Butts, Wallace, football coach at University of Georgia 1:17
Cabaniss, Helen 2:29
Cain, James P. 1:13
California University of
Pennsylvania 3:10
Callaway, Rev. Jesse R. 4:18
Camak, Dr. James 2:5, 34, 35
Camak house 2:35; 5:50
Cambridge, Massachusetts 2:34
Camp Douglas near Chicago 5:6, 8
Camp Lawton, Savannah, Georgia 5:3
Camp LeJeune, N.C. 1:18
Camp Pendleton, California 1:18
Camp Yuma, TX 5:5
Campbell, Douglas 1:13
Campbell, Professor J. Phil 4:20
Candy 1:21
Cannon 5:4
Carey, A.J. 4:28; 5:44
Carl Vinson Institute of Government 3:38
Carlisle, Iowa 3:40
Carlton, H.A, president of GA Senate 4:28
Carlton, Henry Hull 2:39
Carlton, Lt. Henry H 5:4
Carnegie, Andrew 4:17
Carnegie Hall, Knox School 4:17
Carpenter, Nick 1:13
Carr’s Hill 5:27
Carrera marble (Italy) 2:40
Carriage-making in Athens 1:16
Carson, Joe 1:12
Carter, Horace, meteorologist 4:52, 53
Carter, James R. 1:13
Carter, Roland E., Jr. 1:13
Carver, Dr. George Washington 4:20
Cash, Layman L. 1:13
Cass, Gen. 1:25, 29
Cast iron fence around the
University of Georgia campus 2:10
Castel, Susan, former slave 3:23
Cate, Wirt A. 3:11
Cedar of Lebanon 5:49
Cedar Shoals on the Oconee River 3:44
Ceded Lands 4:6-8, 11
Cemeteries in Athens 2:32-40
Central Baptist Church 5:43
Central Railroad 4:19
Centre Hill Academy 5:28
Chaffin, Ethel Tison 4:36
Chambers County, Alabama 2:38
Chambers, Robert W. 4:33
Chance, Catherine 3:19
Chance, Mary Ferguson 3:19
Chance, Mary Olivia 3:19
Chance, Professor Claude 3:18, 19
Chancellor of the University 5:4
Charbonnier, Leon Henri, engineer and meteorologist 3:50, 51; 4:50
Charleston, South Carolina 3:50
Chase-Yancy House 5:50
Chatterton, John 4:39
Chatterton, Kate 4:39
Cheatham, Mike 1:12
Cheney, William H. 1:13
Chennault, Capt. Claire 2:24, 25
Chennault’s AVG 2:25
Cherokee Indians 4:4, 12
Cherokee Rose 2:8
Cherry laurel 5:49
Chestnut Grove Baptist Church 4:33-35; 5:39, 43
Chestnut Grove School 4:33-35
Chicago, IL 5:6
Chicopee Manufacturing Company 5:13, 15-18
China 2:23-28
Chinese government 2:23-26
Christian Index, Baptist newspaper 2:11
Christmas in Athens 3:30-31
Christy, John, newspaper editor 3:25
Church, Rev. Dr. Alonzo 2:5, 9, 12, 16, 18, 38; 5:5, 8, 29, 30, 36
Church, Robert, county agent 4:24
Church Street 3:15
Cisterns in Athens 1:36, 37
Citadel Military College 3:50
City of Athens, B-29 Bomber 1:6
Civil Air Patrol 4:51
Civil liberties 5:10
Civil War 1:36; 2:35, 39; 3:7, 9, 11, 12, 33, 50; 4:15, 16; 5:3, 11, 30, 32, 38-40, 45
Civil War and Readjustment in Kentucky, Coulter 3:8
Civilian Pilot Training Program 2:25
Clamming’s “Great Tribulations” 1:25
Clark, Rev. I.S. 4:17
Clarke County airport 4:51
Clarke County Board of Education 4:31, 34
Clarke County Board of Commissioners 1:4, 5, 44, 48
Clarke County Courthouse 1:45, 48
Clarke County Gaol (Jail) 1:44, 45, 47, 48
Clarke County, Georgia 1:43-48; 5:3, 11, 44, 47
Clarke County School District 4:20
Clarke County Sportsmen’s Club 1:9
Clarkesville, Georgia 3:48
Clarksboro, Georgia 1:45, 46
Clay Bank Creek 4:9
Clayton, Augustin Smith 2:37; 5:32
Climatology of Athens, Georgia 4:50
Clinton, President Bill 2:28
Co-operative weather watchers 4:49
Cobb, Andrew 1:34
Cobb, Cora 1:34
Cobb family 5:27
Cobb, Howell 1:24-34, 48; 2:38; 5:3, 20, 50
Cobb, Howell B 1:12
Cobb, Howell, Jr. 5:4
Cobb, John 1:44, 47, 48
Cobb, John A. 1:32, 48
Cobb, Johnnie 1:29
Cobb, Johnny 3:31
Cobb, Lamar 1:24-34; 3:43; 5:4, 20
Cobb, Laura Battaile Rootes 3:16
Cobb, Mary Ann Lamar (Mrs. Howell) 1:24-34; 2:38; 3:31; 5:3, 5, 20
Cobb, Olivia (Mrs. Lamar) 1:32, 33; 3:32; 4:28
Cobb, Sarah 1:29
Cobb Street 2:29
Cobb, Thomas R.R. 1:48; 2:34; 5:3, 50
Cobbham 2:13, 14
Cochran, Powell D. 1:13
Cohen, Aaron M. 1:12
Coile, Morris S. 1:13
Cold Mountain, Frazier 4:3
Coleman, Kenneth 5:12, 20, 25
Coll’s Creek 1:47
College Avenue 2:21
College Life in the Old South, Coulter 3:9, 34; 4:31
College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City 2:19
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia 1:8
Collins, Professor W.O. 4:51
Colonial Revival architecture 3:17
Colonial Revival Gardens of Hubert
Bond Owens, Hitchcock 5:51
Colonial Theater, Athens 1:21-23
Colony of Georgia 4:4
Columbia University 3:7
Columbus, Georgia 5:11, 14
Comedy 4:36
Comic opera 4:36-44
Commercial Hotel 2:21
Competition between the city and county schools 4:26
Concordia College 3:5
Confederacy 5:6, 10-13
Confederate Army 1:36; 3:22; 5:5
Confederate Athens, Coleman 5:12, 25
Confederate bonds 5:17, 18, 25
Confederate government 5:13, 19
Confederate money 5:12, 16, 17, 25
Confederate Ordinance Bureau 5:12
Confederate Quartermaster Corps 5:20
Confederate Secretary of War 5:13
Confederate States of America, Coulter 3:11
Confederate Treasury Department 5:16
Confederate War Department 5:13, 14
Congregation Children of Israel Cemetery 2:35
Congregational church 5:41
Congregationalists 5:40
Conscription 5:10, 19, 20
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 2:38
Convict labor 3:12
Conway, Alan 3:30
Cook & Brother armory 5:11-13
Cook, Ferdinand W.C. 5:11, 13
Cook, Francis L. 5:11
Cooke, M. Alma, weather observer 4:52
Cooley, Janey M. 2:34
Cooper, Edgar, county agent 4:24
Cooper, Fred M. 1:13
Cooper, H.G., Jr. 1:13
Copperheads 5:10
Corn clubs 4:26
Cotton factory 5:11, 13, 14
Cotton gin 4:26
Cotton picking 1:38
Coulter, E. Merton 3:4-13, 34; 4:14
Cox, Charles C. 4:50
Cox, Charles D. 4:50
Cox, E.C. 4:50
Craig, Elizabeth Church 5:5
Craig, Lt. Col. Louis Stevenson 5:5, 7, 9
Craig, Sarah “Sallie” Church 5:3-9
Crane, Cora 4:41
Crane, Ross 5:51
Crane, W.H. 4:37-39
Crawfordville, Georgia 3:18
Cree, Capt. A.B., Union officer 3:23, 39-42
Cree, Mattie 3:39, 40
Cree, May 3:40
Creek Indians 4:4, 5, 12
Crime in Athens 3:26
Crockford, Jim 1:9
Crosby, Bing 2:26
Crosby’s Opera House, Chicago 4:37
Crowe, Victor W. 1:13
Culture in Athens 5:27
Curtiss Wright Airplane Company, Buffalo, New York 2:24
Curtiss Wright Type 21 aircraft 2:27
Curtright Factory 5:22
Daily and Weekly Banner newspaper 2:4
Dallas, Texas 2:28
Dances at the University of Georgia 2:31
Dancing at the White House 1:31
Dancing in Athens 5:28
Daniel, Carter 1:5
Daniels, Kenneth E., meteorologist 4:54
Danielsville Highway 4:25
Dartmouth College 2:19
Dartmouth Medical School 2:20
Davenport, Professor U.H. 2:25
Davenport, Rev. A.R. 4:18
Davis, J. Weyman 1:13
Davis, Jefferson 3:23; 5:6
Davis, Louis S., III 1:13
Davis, Mat, black legislator 4:27
Davis, Mrs. J.W. (Minnie) 4:50
Davis, Mrs. Jeff 1:31
Day camp at Memorial Park 1:7
Day, William B. 1:13
de Fleur, M. Le Baron 5:28
Dead Line Treaty 5:33
Dean of Women, University of
Georgia 1:39
Dearing, A.P. 5:16, 50
Dearing, Albin P. 2:34
Dearing, John J., Papers, 1864-1899 (Covington Georgia) 5:16
Dearing Street 2:6; 3:15-19; 4:31
Dearing Street 5:50
Dearing, William 3:15
DeBar’s Opera House, St. Louis, Missouri 4:38
DeCredico, Mary 5:17
Deer park at Memorial Park 1:9
DeGive’s Opera House 4:37
Delaware 4:12
Democrats 3:37
Demosthenian Society 5:29, 32-34, 36
Derricotte, Ike, former slave 3:28, 29
Derricotte, Juliette 5:44
Deupree, Colonel Lewis J. 4:37
Deupree Hall Opera House 4:37, 38, 41
DeVorsey, Louis 4:3
Dillard, Lucy Virginia 5:4
Dingley, Thomas 4:39
Dinner at the White House 1:25-32
Dinner parties in Athens 4:45
Discr i m i nation in financial appropriation for schools 4:23
Disenfranchisement 3:35
Distinguished Flying Cross 2:28
Dockery, Vernon L. 1:13
Dodd, J.J. 1:13
Dominie House 3:15-19
Dooley, Barbara 4:33
Dooley, Robert 1:13
Doppler radar 4:55
Dorsey, Tommy 2:26
Doster, Cecil W. 1:13
Doster, Roy Lee 1:13
Douglas, Stephen 5:8
Douglass, Frederick 3:21, 27; 5:37
Dove hunting in North Georgia 2:30
Downing, Andrew Jackson 5:48
Dozier, A.W. 2:34
Draft 5:10, 19, 22
Drama 4:36
Drama in Athens 1:21-23
Drama in Athens 5:28
Drama in black schools 4:25
Drew, Mr. 4:38
Dry Fork Creek 4:11
Dubois, W.E.B. 3:21; 5:46
Dudley, James W. 2:34
Duke of Newcastle 1:26, 29, 31
Duke University 3:9
Duke University, Perkins Library
Special Collections 5:16, 20
Dumont, Daisy 4:40
Dunning, W.A. 3:7, 8, 11
Duvaul, Professor Charles 4:31
Dye, Miss Mammie Sapp 4:24
Dyer, Miss M.E. 4:15
Dyer, Thomas G. 5:49
Earl of St. Germain 1:26, 31
Easley, Richard 1:43
Easley’s Mill 1:43, 46
East Athens School 4:29
East Hill, Oconee Hill Cemetery 2:34
Easter, Professor John D. 3:49
Eaton, John, Union officer 3:27
Eatonton, Georgia 2:18
Ebenezer Baptist Church 5:40
Ebenezer, Georgia 3:44
Echols, Joe 3:25
Education in Athens 1:35, 39; 3:16; 5:28, 32
Education of slaves 1:35
Edwards, Homer T., Sr. 4:31
Elder, Sheriff W.Y. 3:26
Ellis, Mrs., niece of Buchanan’s Vice President William R. King 1:25, 26
Elrod, Henry T. 2:28
Emancipation in Athens 3:21-38; 4:15; 5:10, 39
Emancipation Proclamation 3:22
Emmanuel Episcopal Church 2:19
Emmett, Kate 4:40
Emory Medical School 2:30
Emory University 4:48; 5:26
Emperor of Prussia 5:28
Enfield rifle 5:11
England 2:38; 5:11
England, W.A., sexton 2:36
Entertainment in Washington, D.C. – 1860 1:24-32
Episcopal church 5:38, 41
Eppes, William P. 1:12
Epps, Ben 4:51
Epps Bridge Road 4:33
Epting, Harry E. 1:13
Ervine, Mr., British Secretary 1:25
Erwin, Dr. Goodloe Y. 1:4, 12; 2:30
Erwin, Howell C. 2:34
Euen, Maj. M.S., Union Provost
Marshal in Athens 3:43
Evans, Thomas 2:39
Executive Security and Engineering, Inc. 4:34
Exemption Act 5:22
Factory Burial Ground 2:35
Fairhaven Tuberculosis Sanitarium 1:4
Fambro, Rev. J.Y. 4:18
Family cemeteries in Athens 2:37
Farmer’s Conference at Union
Baptist Institute 4:20
Federal Aviation Administration 4:54
Ferguson, Maj. J. K. 5:14
Ferguson, Mary 3:19
Ferguson, Ralph 1:13
Ferry 5:27
Fickett, R.N., III 1:45; 5:12
Fifty Years in Theatrical
Management, Leavitt 4:37
Financial support for Botanical
Garden 2:6-10
Finley, Robert 2:35
Finley Street 2:6; 3:16
Fireworks 1:29
Firms that Did Business with the Confederate Government 5:14
First Baptist Church, Athens, Georgia 5:41
First Ladies’ Garden Club in America 2:38
First Methodist Church, Athens, Georgia 5:38
First National Bank 2:18
Fish, Carl Russell 3:7
Fisk University 4:17
Fitch, Miss E.F. 4:15
Five Points Bottle Shop 2:28
Flanagan, Caroll D. 1:13
Fleming, Allen R., Jr. 1:12
Flit can soldered to tailpipe 2:29
Florence, Loyd 2:29
Flournoy, Howell C. 5:19
Floyd, Gov. and Mrs. 1:26
Flying Tigers 2:23-28, 30, 32
Flying Tigers, Whelan 2:25, 27
Flynn, Errol 2:30
Football at University of Georgia 1:16
Forbes, Walter Tillou (“W.T.”) 1:16
Foreman, E.T. 1:7
Fort Craig, New Mexico 5:5
Fort, Dr. Malcolm 1:9
Fort Jessup, Louisiana 2:38; 5:5
Fort Sumter 5:7
Fort Warren prison 5:6
Forty Years Observation of Music and the Drama, Grau 4:40
Foster, Gen. Ira 5:24
Foster, John A. 1:13
Founders’ Memorial Garden 5:51
Foundry 5:11
Foundry Street School 4:28
Fourth Creek Presbyterian Church, Iredell County, North Carolina 3:16
Fowler, Hugh 1:6
Frampton, Dr. 1:32
Frank, Albert 5:5
Frank Hill (cannon) 5:3
Franklin, Benjamin 3:44, 45
Franklin College 2:12; 3:44-46, 48- 50; 4:39; 5:4, 28
Franklin House 4:37
Franklin, John Hope 3:11
Franklin Street 1:7
Franklin-Upson House 5:50
Frazier, Charles 4:3
Frederick, James Daniel 5:30
Frederick, Maryland 2:38
Free public school system 4:27
Freedmen 3:23-29, 31
Freedmen’s Bureau 3:31, 33; 4:14-17; 5:19
French Army 3:50
Friend, Eugenia Arnold Blount 5:51
Fruitlands Nursery 5:50
Fulbright scholarship 3:10, 13
Fuller, Isabell 4:41
Fuller’s “Sermons” 1:25
Fulton, Montroville C. 2:12, 19
Funeral homes in Athens 2:37
Furcron, A.S., Georgia State Geologist 4:7, 8
Gainesville, Georgia, tornado 4:55
Gamble, Robert 4:27; 5:26
Gambling in Athens 5:31
Garden of Eden 5:48
Gardener, Rev. J.W. 5:40
Gardening in Athens 2:5-17; 3:18
Gary, E.R., county agent 4:24
Gautier 1:30
Gazetteer of the State of Georgia, Sherwood 5:33
General Land Office 3:47
Georgetown University 5:26
Georgia Constitutional Convention 3:36, 37
Georgia Cracker 5:30
Georgia Department of Agriculture 4:50
Georgia Department of Family and
Children Services 3:38
Georgia Deputy Surveyor General 4:10
Georgia Factory 5:11, 14, 18, 20, 23, 24
Georgia Game and Fish Commission 1:10
Georgia General Assembly 1:43
Georgia Historical Quarterly 3:9; 5:27
Georgia Historical Society 2:19
Georgia House of Representatives 4:28
Georgia Legislature 5:9, 22
Georgia marble 2:40
Georgia Piedmont 3:16
Georgia Railroad 3:51; 4:51
Georgia State Teachers College (now the U.S. Navy Supply Corps School) 4:51
Georgia State Weather Service 3:51
Georgia University Magazine 2:10
Germany 2:38; 3:44
Gibson, Robert E. 2:34
Gidley, Gardner 1:8
Gilbert and Sullivan 4:36, 37, 41
Giles, J.B., weather observer 4:52
Giles, John W. 1:13
Gillespie, James A. 1:13
Gilmantown, New Hampshire 2:38
Glenn, Rube 1:12
Gloves 1:28
Goff, Professor John H. 4:8, 9
Gold Star Honor Roll, Veterans Memorial at Memorial Park 1:12- 15
Golden eagle at Memorial Park 1:9
Golf in Athens 3:19
Good Samaritans 5:44
Gordon, Gen. John B. 1:16
Gordon, Hugh, Jr. 1:16
Gordon, Lewis 1:13, 16; 2:39
Gordon, Nannette Hodgson 1:16
Gospel Pilgrims 5:44
Governor of Georgia 4:26, 46
Grady, Henry 5:19
Grady, William 5:10
Grand Tour of Europe 1:35
Granite 2:40
Grant, John Thomas, house, Athens, Georgia 5:48, 49
Grapes 1:26, 27
Grau, Robert 4:38, 40
Great Buffalo Lick 4:8, 9
Great Depression 3:19
Great Ogeechee River 4:7
Greek revival architecture 3:15; 5:49
Green, T.E. 1:13
Greene County, Georgia 1:43; 4:6, 10; 5:22-24
Greenesboro, Georgia 4:15, 34
Greenhouses in Athens 2:13, 15
Griffith, Lt. Robert Jenkins 1:12; 2:39
Grove School for Girls 5:28
Guam 1:6, 18
Gun manufacture 5:11
Gunpowder plant in Augusta 5:20
Gunter, Heron M. 1:13
Gwin, Miss Lucy 1:30
Gwinnett County, Georgia 5:20
Gwinnett Factory 5:24
H.M.S. Pinafore (operetta) 4:41
Hackney, Herman, county agent 4:24
Haines, Jack, Jr. 1:13
Hall County, Georgia 5:26
Hall, Matthew W. 1:13
Hamilton Field, California 2:25
Hamilton, J.G. deRoulhac 3:6
Hamilton, James 5:50
Hamilton, Kenneth 1:13
Hamilton-Phinizy House 5:50
Hammet, W.D. 4:50
Hammond, Cyril B. 1:13
Hampton, Gen. Wade 1:38
Hampton, Philadelphia Almeda 1:38
Hancock Avenue 3:36
Hancock, Charles “Red”, weather observer 4:52
Harbin, Audley W. 1:12
Harbin, Troy 1:12
Harden, M.A. 4:28
Hardy, Edward M. 1:13
Hardy, Joseph G. 1:13
Hargrett, Lester 5:27, 36
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript
Library, University of Georgia 1:24; 5:9, 12, 18
Harper, Francis 4:7
Harper, James D. 1:13
Harriet Lane (revenue cutter) 1:30
Harris, Dr. Hugh N. 3:51; 4:50
Harris, Judia C. Jackson 4:24, 27, 31
Harris, Samuel F., black educator 4:26, 29-31
Harris School 4:24, 27
Harris Street 3:15
Harrold’s Hatchery 1:8
Hart, John 1:44, 47
Harvard College 4:25
Harvey, Gen. 1:26
Haverhill, New Hampshire 2:20
Hayes, Claude B. 1:13
Hayes, Dr. Frank 1:9
Haynes, Harold 1:13
Heard, J. Thomas 4:18
Heard University 4:18, 22
Heard, W.H. 5:44
Heard, William H. 4:18
Hearne, James 4:38
Hector, Joe H. 1:13
Helen (cannon) 5:3
Hemperley, Marion, Georgia Deputy Surveyor General 4:10
Henderson, Mr. 3:40
Heywood, Felix 3:21
Hickory, North Carolina 3:5
Higgins, “Fuzzy” 1:13
High Shoals Factory 5:11, 15, 23, 24
Hill, Abram Scott 2:39
Hill, Capt. A.A. Franklin 5:4
Hill Chapel Baptist Church 5:40
Hill First Baptist Church 5:39, 40
Hill, Isaac 1:44
Hill, James T. 1:13
Hillyer family 5:27
Hindostan, Indiana 2:20
Hippeau, M., French educational researcher 4:16
Historic preservation 4:33; 5:52
Historical Collections of Georgia, White 5:27
History of Georgia, Stevens 2:12
History of Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Smith 4:11
History of the Baptist Denomination in Georgia, Ward 2:11
Hitchcock, Susan Lee 5:51
Hodgson & Brother 5:13
Hodgson, Annie 1:36, 37
Hodgson, Charles 1:16
Hodgson, Charles, Jr. 1:16, 17
Hodgson, Chick 1:35
Hodgson Drive 1:16
Hodgson, E.R. 5:50
Hodgson, Edward Reginald 1:16
Hodgson, Edward Reginald, Sr. 5:6
Hodgson, Elizabeth Preston (“Lizzie”) 5:6
Hodgson, Frederick G. 1:12
Hodgson, Hallie 1:36, 37
Hodgson, Harry, Sr. 1:5, 6, 8
Hodgson, Morton, Sr. 1:16
Hodgson, Nannette 1:16
Hodgson, Neal 1:16, 19
Hodgson, Robert F. 1:14, 16
Hodgson, Winston D. 1:14, 16-20
Hodgson’s Dairy 1:17
Holbrooks, Billy 3:34
Holladay, G. Cleve, meteorologist 4:54
Holland, Sir Henry, Queen Victoria’s physician 1:26
Hollis, Howell, football coach at Athens High School 1:17
Holly Springs, Mississippi 3:19
Holman, Alfred 4:39
Holman, Bennie 4:39
Holman, Dr. Charles 2:30
Holman English Opera Company 4:36, 39, 40
Holman, George 4:39
Holman, George, Jr. 4:39
Holman, Harriet 4:39
Holman, Sallie 4:39
Holmes, Sam, Jr. 1:14
Holsey, Lucius 5:44
Holt, Mr. 1:26
Holy Rollers 5:42
Home School 1:39
Hopkins, William 1:44, 47
Hopkins, William E., Jr. 2:34
Hopping, Ephraim 2:33
Hopping, Pamelia A. 2:33
Hotrod cars 2:30
Houghton, Robert B. 5:35
Housing shortages in Athens 3:27, 28
How Athens Went to War, Tritt 5:12
How Two Athens Girls Came Through the Lines in 1861 5:6
Howard Athenaeum Company, John Stetson 4:40
Howard, Eva 4:33
Howard, Gen. Oliver O. 4:16
Howard, John Stetson 4:40
Howell, Richard 1:14
Howitzer 5:3, 4
Huff, Arthur, Jr. 1:14
Huggins, Corner 2:9, 18
Huggins, John T. 2:18
Hull, Augustus Longstreet 3:15, 16, 24, 26, 37; 4:27; 5:19, 27, 29, 32
Hull, Dr. Henry 3:16, 24
Hull family 5:27
Hull, Henry 5:29
Hull, Henry, Jr. 2:34; 5:17
Hull, Mary Angelina Nisbet 3:15, 16
Hull Street 3:36
Hull-Lipscomb house 3:17, 18
Humber, Lewis E. 1:14
Hunnicutt, Professor 3:51
Hunnicutt variety of cotton 3:51
Hunting and fishing in Athens 1:17
Hyman Liana School and Home 4:21
Hyman, Miss N.N. 4:21
Ice house in Athens 2:13, 14
Illinois 5:6
Independent Benevolent Order 5:44
Indian Boundary Line 4:10
Indian Boundary of the Southern Colonies, 1763 – 1775, DeVorsey 4:9
Indian Tribes 4:3
Indianapolis, Indiana 2:40
Industry in the South 5:11
Infantry rifles 5:12
Inflation during Civil War 5:15
Insurance premiums 5:14
Intercollegiate athletics 4:20
International studies 3:19
Internet 4:55
Interscholastic athletics 4:20
Investments during Civil War 5:15
Iowa 3:23
Iowa City, Iowa 3:41
Iredell County, North Carolina 3:16
Ireland 2:38
Irish 5:10, 18
Ironwork 2:40
Irrigation in Athens 2:8
Irvin, Mrs. Robert 2:25
Irvin, Sarah Lacy (Sally) 2:25, 28
Ison, Roswell 1:14
Italianate architecture 3:17
Iwo Jima 1:17-20
Jack, former slave of the Cobb family 3:32
Jackson County, Georgia 1:43,46
Jackson, Evelyn 3:33
Jackson, Gov. James 2:18
Jackson, James 5:29, 32
Jackson, Judia C. 4:24, 25
Jackson, Mamie 4:28
Jackson, Mrs. Louise 4:25
Jackson, President 1:34
Jackson, Professor Henry 2:5, 7, 15
Jackson, Professor James (“Old Major”) 2:12, 16, 18
Jackson, Stonewall 5:3
Jackson Street 2:18; 3:22
Jackson Street Cemetery 2:33
Jacksonville, Florida 3:47
James Fielding Dillard, Confederate Soldier, Dillard 5:4
Japan 1:6
Japanese forces 2:23-25, 28
Jarrell, Sarah 3:18
Jeanes, Miss Anna T. 4:23
Jeanes teachers and supervisors 4:23, 24
Jefferson College 2:18
Jefferson, Georgia 1:46
Jefferson, Thomas 3:45, 46
Jenkins, Dr. Jim 1:9
Jenkins, Phyllis 2:31
Jennings, Rev. E.D. 4:18
Jeruel Academy 4:18-20; 5:42
Jeruel Association 5:42
Jeruel Baptist Association 4:18, 19
Jeruel Baptist Institute 4:19
Jeruel Normal School 4:18
Jewell, Patricia 3:19
Jewish community in Athens 4:42
Jiles, former slave of the Barrow family 3:32
Joblessness in Athens 3:27-29
Johns Hopkins University 3:19
Johns, Thomas, former slave 3:38
Johnson, Clyde, weatherman 4:52
Johnson, E. Hammond 1:12
Johnson, Howard (Smiley) 1:17, 19
Johnson, J.P. 1:14
Johnson, Jimmy C. 1:14
Johnson, Mamie 4:41
Johnson, W.D. 5:44
Johnston, Richard Malcolm 5:30
Joint Committee on Reconstruction 3:29
Jones, Charles J. 1:14
Jones, Clarence 2:28
Jones, Harry “Squab” 4:20, 21
Jones, John, President of the Senate 1:46
Jones, Mrs. Quinton 4:24
Jubilee 3:20-38
Judia C. Jackson Harris School 4:24
Kai-shek, Generalissimo Chiang 2:23, 25-27
Kai-shek, Madame Chiang 2:25, 26
Kaolin 4:6
Kellam, W. Porter 2:4; 3:48
Kelly Field, Texas 2:25
Kenney, Floyd 4:34
Kentucky 5:10
Kimbrell, Bob 2:29
Kincy, Miss Madie 4:24
King Alcohol in the Realm of King
Cotton, Scomp 5:29
King Avenue 1:16
King, William R. 1:26
Kinney’s District 5:43
Kittanning, Pennsylvania 2:20
Knauf, 2nd Lt. Robert 1:20
Knights of Pythias 5:44
Knox Institute 4:16-18, 20-22, 28, 31; 5:40
Knox Institute and Industrial School 4:16
Knox, Maj. John J. 4:16
Knox School 4:15, 16
Koenig, Marie Hodgson 1:4; 4:33
Kolb-Pou-Newton House, Madison, Georgia 5:48
Ku Klux Klan 3:36-37
Kunming, China 2:23, 27
Lace the Ace (nickname of Lacy Mangleburg) 2:25
Lacy, Helen 2:25
Lacy, Sarah (Sally) 2:25
Ladder Dance 4:38
Ladies’ Garden Club of Athens 2:38; 5:50
Lafayette 2:27
Lamar, Mary Ann 1:34; 2:38
Land Owner Clubs 4:26
Land ownership for blacks 4:26
Land redistribution 3:30
Landrum Baptist Church 4:19; 5:40
Landrum Chapel 5:40
Landrum, Rev. Sylvanus 2:12
Landscaping in Athens 2:5-17; 5:48
Lane, Miss, niece of President Buchanan 1:24-32, 34
Lashio, Burma 2:23, 27
Lawless, 1st Lt. Eugene T. 1:19
Lea, Marvin 1:14
Leach, James 1:14
Leavitt, Maurice B. 4:37
Lecocq, Charles 4:36
LeConte, Dr. John (“Johnnie”) 2:12, 18-19; 3:49; 5:29, 30
LeConte, Joseph 3:49, 30; 5:30
Ledyard, Misses 1:30
Lee, Robert E. 3:5
Lee’s surrender 5:25
Lehman-Bancroft House 5:50
Lend-Lease Act 2:24
Leohr, James 1:12
Lewis, Jessy J. 1:14
Lexington, Georgia 4:8, 9, 37; 5:31
Liana School 4:21
Liberty County, Georgia 2:19
Life of Robert Toombs, Phillips 5:30
Lincoln 5:3, 5, 10
Lincoln’s assassination 5:25
Linton, John S. 5:20
Linton, Lucy 5:16
Lipscomb, Chancellor Andrew A. 3:16, 23
Lipscomb, Francis Adgate 3:16, 17
Lipscomb, Francis Adgate, Jr. 3:17
Lipscomb, Frank 3:17
Lipscomb house 3:15-18
Lipscomb, Lamar Rutherford 4:45
Lipscomb, Mary Ann Rutherford 3:16-18
Literary societies 5:32
Little, Orval Louis 1:14
Little River 4:8
Little, William A. 4:28
Lizy, former slave of the Barrow family 3:32
Local artists 4:35
Lodges in Athens 5:44, 45
London 4:9
Long Charlie (cannon) 5:3
Long Creek 4:8, 10
Long, Dr. Crawford W. 2:38, 39
Long, Hattie 4:35
Long Tom (cannon) 5:3
Lotienshang-Po, Yunan Province, China 2:26, 27
Louisiana State University 3:10
Louisville, Kentucky 5:7
Love Field, Texas 2:25
Lower Creek Path 4:4
Loyal League 3:35
Lucas, F.W. 5:13
Lucas, Frederick W. 2:34
Lucy Cobb Institute, Athens, Georgia 1:23, 39; 2:13; 3:16, 23; 5:50
Lumpkin, E.K. 5:50
Lumpkin family 5:27
Lumpkin, George B. 4:11
Lumpkin, Gov. Wilson 2:12, 37
Lumpkin house, Ag Hill 2:37
Lumpkin, Joseph Henry 5:4, 29, 32, 50
Lumpkin, Lt. Ed 5:4
Lumpkin, Samuel Hopkins 2:37
Lumpkin Street 2:28
Lutheran Church 3:5
Lyndon, A.J. 1:35-37
Lyndon Avenue 4:22
Lyndon, Clyde 1:37
Lyndon, E.S. 1:35-37
Lyndon, Ed 1:37
Lyndon House, Athens 1:8, 35-42
Lyndon, June 1:37
Lyndon, Lamar 1:37
Lyndon, Mary 1:37, 38, 39
Lyndon, Moselle 1:36, 37
Lyndon, Oscar 1:37
Lyons Junior High School 4:20
Lyons, Lord 1:25-30
Lyons, Professor C.H., Sr. 4:20
Lyons, Rev. Collins 4:18
Lyons, Rev. Collins H. 5:40
M’Intosh 4:13
MacFie, Colonel T.G. 4:7
Mack, Lewis E. 1:14
Mack, Professor J.R. 4:29
Mackey, J.C. 1:14
Macksey, Catherine Chance 3:19
Macksey, Professor Richard A. 3:19
Macon, Georgia 5:11
Madame Angot’s Child (operetta) 4:40
Madame Sosnowski’s Home School 1:39
Maddox, Ralph (Red) 1:14
Madison Baptist Association 4:19
Maflin, Mr. 4:38
Magill, Dan 1:16
Magnolias 5:44, 49
Magruder, Lt. Col. John Bankhead 5:5
Maine 2:19
Major Military Industries of the Confederate Government, Melton 5:12
Mangleburg, Grover T. 2:25
Mangleburg, Helen Lacy 2:25
Mangleburg, Lacy Fleming 1:14; 2:22-32, (photo) 2:22
Mangleburg-Elrod Student Legion Post, No. 175 of the American Legion 2:28
Manual Labor School 5:28
Manus, Hiram N., Jr. 1:14
Marbury’s Creek 1:43
Marietta College 3:8
Marietta, Georgia 1:32; 2:25
Market prices during Civil War 5:14
Markham, Pauline 4:40
Marseilles Hymn 4:40
Marsh, Charles L. 1:14
Marshal law 5:10
Marshall, Charlotte Thomas 2:33, 36
Martinot, Sadie 4:40
Marye, Florence, Garden History of Georgia 1733-1933 5:49
Maryland 5:10
Masons 5:44
Mathematics 3:16
Mathews, Annie Bell 4:35
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (cannon) 5:3
Mausoleums in Athens 2:37
Maxwell, D.N. 1:14
McAlexander, Hubert Horton 3:15, 19
McAlexander, Patricia Jewell 3:19
McCay, Charles F. 5:29, 31
McCay, Charles Francis 3:48, 49
McCay, James E. 1:14
McCay, Narcissa Williams 2:20
McCay, Professor Charles Francis
(“Old Mac”) 2:12-14, 18
McCree, Ben 1:14
McCullough supercharger 2:30
McDaniel, Gov. D. 4:28
McDowell, Thomas, sexton 2:36
McGee, C. Thomas, sexton 2:36
McHatton, T.H. 2:34
McIntosh County, Georgia 3:18
McKee, Isaac J. 1:14
McPherson, Dr. John 2:29
McPherson, Helen Cabaniss 2:29
McPherson, John Hanson Thomas 2:34; 3:8, 9
McWhorter, Hal B. 1:12
McWhorter, Mayor R.L. 2:34
McWhorter, Moses 5:23
Medical College of Maine 2:20
Medicine and surgery 1:35, 36
Meeker, Christopher C. 3:17
Meeker-Barrow House 5:50
Mehre, Harry, football coach at
University of Georgia 1:17
Meigs, Josiah 3:45-47
Meigs Street 2:35
Mell, Professor P.H., Jr. 3:51; 4:16
Melton, Maurice 5:12
Memoirs of Howell Cobb, Ward 2:11
Memorial Hall, University of Georgia 1:8
Memorial Park, Athens 1:4-15
Meriweather, David, Speaker of the House of Representatives 1:46
Merritt, Ken 2:27
Meteorology in Athens 3:44-52; 4:49
Methodist church 5:38, 41
Methodist School in the Negro Methodist Church on Hancock Avenue 4:18
Mexican War 2:39; 5:5
Meyers, Moses 5:19
Michael, Simon 1:14
Middle Fork of the Oconee River 1:43, 46
Middlebury College, Vermont 2:18, 20
Middlesex County, New Jersey 2:38
Midway School (black) 4:22
Mikado (operetta) 4:41, 42
Militia 5:19
Militia Enrollment List 5:25
Milledge Avenue 2:13, 28; 3:15- 17; 5:49, 50
Milledgeville, Georgia 2:11; 3:18, 48
Miller, Jimmy 2:27
Miller, Lloyd 2:27
Millwork 4:34
Milstead, A.H. 3:17, 18
Milstead, Charlotte 3:17
Mineral spring 2:15
Mississippi 1:18
Mississippi Valley 3:31
Missouri 5:10
Mitchell family graveyard on Vincent Drive 2:37
Mitchell Street, Athens 5:40
Model and Training School 4:22, 26
Montague, Louise 4:40
Montgomery, Horace 3:4, 13
Montgomery, Sir Robert 4:5
Moore, Peyton E. 2:34
Moore, Richard 1:14
Moore, W.M. 1:14
Morain, Genelle 4:33
Moravian Archives, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 5:5
Mora vian Fema le Seminary, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 5:5
Morehouse College 4:20, 34
Morgan, Julie 4:35
Morris County, New Jersey 2:38
Morris, Sylvanus 2:4
Morton Opera House 4:25
Morton’s Chapel Baptist Church 5:43
Moseman, Herman R. 1:14
Moseman, John C. 1:14
Moss, Dr. William Lorenzo 2:39
Moss-Side 5:50
Mount Auburn Cemetery 2:34
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church 5:43
Mount Sinai Baptist Church 5:43
Mount Sinai School 4:23
Mount Vernon 1:30, 33
Movies in Athens 1:23
Mrs. Eliza Smith’s School, Washington, D.C. 1:28
Muckle, Joyce 4:35
Mud Lick Creek 4:9
Mullins, Willie Mae 4:30
Music in Athens 5:28, 45
Music in black schools 4:25
Musical pageants 4:25
Musketoons 5:12
Mutual Insurance Company 5:44
Naha, Japan 1:20
Nashville, Tennessee 2:11
National Academy of Science 3:49
National Archives 3:47
National Artillery 5:3
National Bank of Athens 5:18
National Bridge, New Mexico 2:38
National Register of Historic Places 4:33; 5:51
National Weather Service 4:49, 53, 54
National Weather Service Forecast
Office, Atlanta 4:54
Natural history of Athens 2:4-17
Neely, Leroy 1:14
Neese, Georgia 4:53
Negro Education: Private and Higher Schools for Colored People, Jones, ed. 4:31
Negro industrial school, Monroe, Georgia 5:42
Negro spirituals 5:45, 46
New Grove Baptist Church 5:43
New Orleans 5:11, 12
New Shiloh Baptist Church 5:43
New York 2:38
New York City 2:38; 5:8, 10
New York Sun newspaper 4:38
New York World newspaper 3:28
Newburgh, New York 2:38
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England 1:16
Newnan, Georgia 1:36
Newton, Ann Olivia 5:4
Newton County, Georgia 5:20
Newton, Dr. Edwin D. 2:38
Newton, Elizur L. 2:21